Thank you for reading my blog! My name is Celeste LeTard (formerly Celeste LeTard Williams). I am a mixed media artist. My preferred medium is collage. I work with images gleaned from magazines, as well as found and purchased papers. I might be considered a paper hoarder, if there was such a thing…

I love to experiment with the juxtaposition of iconic images against colors and textures not normally associated with them. My fascination with diverse cultures is what inspires me to take all of those images that seem foreign to us and to place them alongside more familiar icons. I also love to use frames, and will make them from anything: the border of an oriental rug, a doorway or arch, or hand-cut designs.

In addition to my work in collage, I also enjoy making assemblage pieces and shrines. My shrine frames usually house a picture of a saint or the Virgin of Guadalupe. I have also made shrine boxes out of former puzzles and toiletries boxes. My story boxes are assembled inside of unpainted boxes meant to house two decks of cards. I use images from Loteria, which is an iconic Mexican bingo game that incorporates images and words.

I am fascinated by all cultures, but have a special place in my heart for Mexico. I became a teacher of English to speakers of other languages after the French and Spanish Exploratory program was cut from our system. I instantly identified with the students, having traveled to Mexico as a child. Since then, I have been privileged to travel to Mexico on various grants. In 2007, I went to Morelia, the heart of the craft center of Michoacan, to study Spanish and to collect art. I was able to visit Patzcuaro and the surrounding craft villages, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, and Puebla. In 2010, I was accepted as a fellow for a National Endowment of the Humanities seminar on Mesoamerican Culture, and stayed in Oaxaca for another five weeks.

I collect Mexican art, and have shared these items with my school and my students. I also have an extensive Loteria game collection, and have created my own Loteria images. For this endeavor, I became acquainted with Adobe Photoshop Elements, and have several series under my belt. Part of my project for the NEH grant was to come up with a lesson plan so that teachers can use Loteria to teach about culture and literature. I hope to be able to expand this so that others can create their own decks.

12 responses »

  1. hi,

    I read about your Fund for Teachers grant!! yeah!. My friend in SF also got it. I didn;t.

    Wonderful job with the art. I just returned form Mexico today AUg 13th and was looking up info about the earrings I love. and somehow I got to you.

  2. hola! soy de cd. victoria tamaulipas y por aca esta muy de moda tu producto como me contacto contigo para comras de mayoreo? gracias.. Have a nice day 🙂

  3. I’ve been using blogger but thinking about trying out wordpress or typepad. There’s also edublogger if you want to try blogging for a “project.” I sent that one to Megan (teaches art – was in Mountainair but moved to Deming) and Joan Page (still here – also makes hand-dipped chocolates).

    Between the two of us, Sable is going to be all over facebook. I added another picture – the two of us – unkempt to be sure but with a certain charm nonetheless,

  4. just received a ten pound bag of flagolets and your site came up. I am an artist and a cook who is always looking for new recipes. Thanks for the great recipe. I bought a smoked turkey leg and I think I will add this as well to the flagolet recipe. I also received a ten pound sack of tiny french green lentils, this is going to be fun, and healthy. I am sharing this gift with the Guatemalan Center near here. I am a jewelry artist with my items in a local gallery and also do shrines and gardening. Nice to find a kindred spirit in the home cooking and slow food area. Peace, Barbara, south Florida.

  5. I just accepted a new job in which I need to teach a 6 week Spanish exploratory course. I’m in a panic since school starts in a few weeks; what would you recommend? Any tried and true lessons?
    Dawn Hayes
    Cleveland, Ohio

  6. hola una pregunta no mas celeste eres la q siempre va al juan b tijrina porkq si soy yo candido y quiro q mi pases tu face para hablar contigo

  7. Hi,

    I’m the Jeff Lane in the Muffalatta Pasta recipe you got from Sara Moultons website. I am happy to see the recipe getting out. I have the Sara Moulton autographed recipe and photo with her to back it up. Would love to share a little history about that recipe with you if you are interested. I currently live in the Houston area, but still go “home” to New Orleans a few times each year. Hope to talk to you soon.

    • That is so cool, Jeff! I would love to hear more! Right now, I am entering the dreaded “CRCT” weeks, so I may be late to respond… I am going to move to Lafayette this summer and have a lot of friends in Houston. Good to meet you!

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